The following charts and graphs are included automatically in the policy report.
Tip: When viewing the policy report in HTML, you can export the data plotted on any graph by right-clicking on the graph and selecting "Copy data to clipboard". Then paste the data into a separate document (such as a Text or Word document).
Important Note: Trend data will appear in the report only if all asset groups in the policy were selected for the report.
There are 2 sets of pie charts included in the policy report. The first set of pie charts appears in the "Report Summary" section and shows the total number of control instances at each status level on the report generation date. The second set of pie charts appears in the "Trend Start Summary" section and shows the total number of control instances at each status level on the trend start date. The trend start date is determined by the trend duration set in the policy report template. For example, if the trend duration is set to 7 days, then the trend start date is 7 days prior to the report generation date. Status levels include passed, failed, passed with exceptions and failed pending exceptions.
Pass/Fail Summary. The Pass/Fail Summary pie chart shows the total number of control instances with a Passed status and the total number of control instances with a Failed status.
Pass/Fail and Exceptions Summary. The Pass/Fail and Exceptions Summary pie chart is similar to the Pass/Fail Summary chart except that it also identifies the number of Passed control instances that passed because of an approved exception, and the number of Failed control instances with an exception currently pending.
The message "There is no data available" appears in place of the pie charts and no data will appear in the Trend Start Summary section if the policy was not yet created on the trend start date. For example, let's say you create a new policy on June 10. If you run a report on this policy on June 15, then the reporting engine has trending data for the last 5 days. If the report template is set to 7 days trend duration, then the trend start date is June 8 which is before the policy creation date so no data is available for the Trend Start Summary section. The other trend graphs in the policy report will show trend data for the last 5 days only.
This graph shows the total number of control instances at each status level over the trend duration period. Status levels include passed, failed, passed with exceptions and failed pending exceptions.
Status level check boxes appear below the graph (Passed, Failed, Passed Exceptions, Pending Exceptions). All check boxes are selected by default meaning that all status levels are included in the graph. Clear the check box for any status level to remove that status level from the graph. For example, clear the Failed and Pending Exceptions check boxes if you only want to focus on controls with a Passed status (passed and passed with exceptions).
This graph shows the total number of active hosts for the policy over the trend duration period. A host is considered active when at least one control in the policy was evaluated on the host, resulting in a passed or failed status.
If a host assigned to the policy is not counted as active, then none of the controls in the policy were evaluated on that host. Possible reasons for this include: the host has never been scanned for compliance or the compliance scan data was purged, authentication to the host failed, or the host is not relevant to the policy (e.g. a Windows host assigned to a Linux policy).
This graph shows the total number of controls in the policy over the trend duration period. Users can add controls to a policy and remove controls from a policy at any time. Note that this graph shows the actual number of controls in the policy, not the number of control instances.