Creating Asset Groups

When creating an asset group, combine assets that logically belong together and assign an easy-to-remember name. Remember you can select asset groups as the target for network scans and reports as well as compliance scans and reports.

Possible grouping methods include:

      Business Function (Engineering, Marketing, Sales, Operations)

      Geographic Locations (Sydney Office, San Jose Data Center, Berlin Assembly Line)

      Network Devices (Firewalls, Linux Servers, MS Exchange, Storage Net)


To create an asset group:

1.    Select Asset Groups from the left menu, under Tools.

2.    Go to New > Asset Group.

3.    Specify settings in the following sections:

      Asset Group Title. Provide a title for the asset group. Initially, the user who creates the asset group is the owner of the group. Managers and Unit Managers can edit the group after it is saved to change the owner.

      IPs. Assign IP addresses that are included in your account to the asset group.

      DNS / NetBIOS. If the Scan by Hostname feature is enabled, you can assign assets to the group by their DNS or NetBIOS hostnames.

      Domains. Assign domains that are included in your account to the asset group. A domain may include a netblock (IPs and ranges).

      Scanner Appliances. Scanner Appliances. (For Scanner Appliance users only.) Assign one or more scanner appliances in your account to the asset group for scanning the asset group’s assigned hosts. If the asset group includes private use internal network devices, one or more scanner appliance in the asset group may be selected for scanning at scan time.

      Business/CVSS Info. Include business information for the group and assign a business impact level to the group for use in measuring business risk. If CVSS Scoring is enabled for the subscription, set the CVSS Environmental metrics. These metrics will be used to calculate CVSS scores for detected vulnerabilities on the hosts in the group.

      Comments. Enter notes about the asset group. The comments appear in the group details whenever the group is listed.

4.    Click Save.

The new group appears on the asset groups list. This group is immediately available for scanning and mapping.


Related Reading

Asset Grouping

Editing Asset Groups

Deleting Asset Groups