Asset Group: Asset Group Title

Provide a title for the asset group and change the asset group owner.


Enter a unique name for this asset group. It should be easy to remember and descriptive of the IPs and domains included. Include a maximum of 255 characters.

If you change the asset group title, the new title is automatically updated in all associated scheduled tasks and report templates. Users and business units that have been assigned the asset group will also be updated.



Note: The Owner menu is only visible to Managers and Unit Managers.

When creating a new asset group, the user creating the group is automatically set as the owner of the group (no other options appear on the Owner menu). Managers and Unit Managers have the option to change the asset group owner. To change the owner, first save the group and then edit the group. On the Edit Asset Group page, select a different user from the Owner menu. The possible assignees listed in the Owner menu depends on the role of the manager making the change, and the current owner's role and business unit.

Asset groups may be owned by Managers, Unit Managers and Scanners.

user performing the action

current Owner

possible new owner


Manager or Scanner in the Unassigned business unit

Manager or Scanner in the Unassigned business unit


Unit Manager or Scanner in a custom business unit

Manager in the Unassigned business unit
- or -
Unit Manager or Scanner in the same business unit as the current owner

Unit Manager

Unit Manager or Scanner in a custom business unit

Unit Manager or Scanner in the same business unit as the current owner


Conflicts with Scheduled Tasks

Changing the asset group owner may lead to conflicts with scheduled tasks. Conflicts occur when an asset group is no longer available to the owner of a scheduled task with the asset group specified as the target.

After you save the asset group with the new owner, a confirmation page appears with messages to assist you in resolving conflicts with scheduled tasks. Click the View Report button to see a list of scheduled tasks affected by the change. Then edit each scheduled task to assign a new target. If the scheduled task is left without a valid target before the next scheduled run time, then the scheduled task is automatically deactivated and the task owner is notified by email.

Ownership change from Scanner to Unit Manager or Manager:

After changing ownership from a Scanner to a Unit Manager or Manager, the new owner may choose to edit the user's account and assign the asset group back to the user to avoid conflicts.

Ownership change from Unit Manager to Manager:

When you change the asset group owner from Unit Manager to Manager, the asset group automatically remains in the business unit so that users in the business unit can continue using it.