The Summary of Vulnerabilities provides an overview of vulnerabilities detected.
Total. The total number of vulnerabilities, potential vulnerabilities and information gathered detected for all scanned hosts.
Security Risk (Avg). The average security risk calculated for the report. Security Risk is first calculated for each host in the report and then the average of those values is determined.
By Severity. The total number of vulnerabilities, potential vulnerabilities and information gathered detected at each severity level (1-5).
5 Biggest Categories. The top 5 vulnerability categories with the total number of vulnerabilities, potential vulnerabilities and information gathered in each. For example, if there were more CGI vulnerabilities than any other category, then CGI will appear at the top of the list.
The following graphs are included in your report. See Severity Levels for a complete description of vulnerability and potential vulnerability severity levels.
Vulnerabilities by Severity. This graph displays the total number of vulnerabilities detected at each severity level (1-5).
Potential Vulnerabilities by Severity. This graph displays the total number of potential vulnerabilities detected at each severity level (1-5).
Operating Systems Detected. This graph displays all detected operating systems. Note that the operating system may not have been detected on all hosts.
Services Detected. This graph displays all services, such as ssh, ftp and smtp, discovered under the Open TCP and Open UDP Services lists. Note that a service may be counted more than once for a single host if the service is discovered on different ports. Also note that services may not have been detected on all hosts included in your report.