You can perform certain remediation actions from your Asset Search Report.
1) Go to Assets > Asset Search.
2) Include one or more QIDs in the search criteria and click Search.
3) You'll see the search results. Place your cursor over for the vulnerability instance
the remediation action applies to, and then select an action from the
drop-down menu. (Are you an Express Lite user? If yes, the ticket options
are not available.)
Ignore this vulnerability instance to hide it from certain scan reports (report template must be configured with host based findings), host information, asset search results and your dashboard. If a ticket for this vulnerability instance already exists, it will be closed. If no ticket exists, one will be created and closed automatically for tracking purposes.
Create a new remediation ticket for the vulnerability instance. The ticket will appear on the tickets list (Remediation > Tickets) and the ticket creation is logged in the ticket history.
View an existing ticket for the vulnerability instance. From there you can take actions on the ticket.