QIDs that have already been added to the search list appear.
For any QID in the list:
Click to remove the QID.
Click to see vulnerability information for the QID. Vulnerability information includes a description of the threat, the possible consequences that may occur if the vulnerability is exploited, and a suggested solution to fix the problem.
Use the following buttons to add/remove QIDs.
Select. Click to select QIDs from the Select Vulnerability Search List QIDs pop-up. You may select an unlimited number of QIDs from the KnowledgeBase. After making your selection, click OK.
Manual. Click to manually enter a list of QIDs to be included in the search list. Type or paste QIDs into the field provided. Multiple QIDs may be separated by any of the following: comma, semi-colon, space, carriage return or tab. After entering QIDs, click OK.
Clear All. Click to remove all QIDs from this search list.