PCI Report: Report Summary

The Report Summary provides overview information about the scan task and template options used to generate the PCI report.





The company name.


The name of the user who launched the scan.

Template Title

The report template title provided by the service: Payment Card Industry (PCI) Technical Report.

Active Hosts

The total number of hosts alive at the time of the scan.

Total Hosts

The total number of hosts included in the scan target.

Scan Type

Identifies whether the scan was On demand or Scheduled.

Scan Status

The status of the scan task.

Scan Title

The user-provided scan title.

Scan Date

The date and time the scan was launched.


This is an automatically generated, unique reference number for this scan. A vulnerability scan reference starts with "scan/". Example: scan/1254206150.19976

Scanner Appliance

This field identifies the perimeter scanner(s) used to launch the scan. For Scanner Appliance users, this field displays the name assigned to the scanner appliance used.

Also included: the version of the scanning engine (Scanner), the version of the Web application (Web) at the time of the scan, and the version of the vulnerability signatures package (Vulnsigs).


How long the scan took from start to completion.

Option Profile

The option profile title provided by the service: Payment Card Industry (PCI) Options.


The IP addresses included in the scan target.