Appendix: Scan Task

The following appendices provide additional information about scan tasks, including the scanners used to process the task and the settings applied to the task.

Target distribution across scanner appliances

This appendix identifies the scanner(s) used to process the scan task. The value External:<IPs/ranges> indicates the external scanners. The value <scanner_title>:<IP> indicates the name of a scanner appliance. Multiple scanner appliances may be listed when a scan is distributed across multiple scanner appliances.

Option Profile

This appendix lists settings defined in the option profile applied to the vulnerability scan task. Scan settings affect how the service gathers information about target hosts during network security analysis, and how it performs vulnerability assessment. Advanced settings affect how the service performs host discovery and how the service interacts with your firewall/IDS configuration.

Compliance Profile

This appendix lists settings defined in the compliance profile applied to the compliance scan task. Compliance profile settings affect how the service performs host discovery and how the service interacts with your firewall/IDS configuration. The scan performance settings determine the intensity and speed in which the scanning engine scans your network. Note that there are certain scan settings that are set automatically by the service, including the list of scanned TCP and UDP ports and authentication options.