In the References section, add or remove references. Each control may include up to 10 references total. These may be references to internal policies, documents and websites.
For each reference, enter a description, a URL or both. When providing a URL, you must start the URL with http://, https:// or ftp://. For example, enter to link to the Qualys website. If you don't provide a description, then the URL appears in place of the description. If you don't provide a URL, then there won't be a link to the referenced item.
To add more references, click the Add Reference link. Note that this link is disabled when the limit of 10 references is reached.
To remove a reference, click next to the reference.
User-provided references appear on the Technical Control Information page, which is accessible from the controls list by clicking and from reports by clicking the Control ID (CID). When a URL is provided, users can click a link to go directly to the referenced item.