Custom Control: Add Parameters

When creating a new custom control, follow the steps below to add scan parameters to the control. The scan parameters combined make up a single data point. You must also enter a description for the data point, which will appear in compliance policies and reports.


To add/edit scan parameters in a new control:

1.    Click the Add Parameters button.

2.    Enter  scan parameters and a data point description in the fields provided. For a Windows control, see Custom Scan Parameters (Windows). For a Unix control, see Custom Scan Parameters (Unix).

3.    Click Add.

The system checks to see if the same scan parameters have already been defined for another control of the same type. If a duplicate data point exists, then an alert message appears and you are prompted to either keep the description previously saved for the data point or overwrite it with the new description. If you overwrite it, then all controls that use the data point will be updated to use the new description.

4.    After adding the scan parameters, the Add Parameters button changes to Edit Parameters. Click the Edit Parameters button to make changes to the scan parameters before saving the control. Once the control is saved, the scan parameters cannot be changed.