Map results include a list of open services for each host with the discovery method used to identify the service. You also have the option to include this information in map reports. To do so, select the Discovery Method option under Display Settings in your map report template.
The discovery methods are:
ICMP. The mapping service received an ICMP packet from the host.
TCP Port. The mapping service detected open TCP port <number>.
UDP Port. The mapping service detected open UDP port <number>.
DNS. The mapping service resolved a name within the domain into this host's IP address.
Reverse DNS. The mapping service resolved the host's IP address into a name within the domain.
DNS Zone Transfer. Detected via Zone Transfer.
TCP RST. The mapping service received TCP Reset packets from this host.
Traceroute. The mapping service discovered this host via traceroute.
Other Protocol or ICMP. The mapping service received an IP packet from this host whose protocol is not TCP, UDP, or ICMP.
Other TCP Ports. The mapping service received TCP packets whose source ports are not in the list of probed ports.