Information about whether hosts passed or failed authentication appears in your scan results and scan reports.
The Report Summary section of your scan results displays the number of successful and failed authentication attempts for each enabled authentication type. This information does not appear if no authentication types were enabled in the option profile. (Note the Report Summary section does not display information about Oracle Listener authentication status.)
A sample summary message is shown below:
Windows authentication failed for 1 host, Unix/Cisco IOS authentication was successful for 2 hosts, SNMP authentication was successful for 3 hosts
The Appendix section of your scan results displays a list of the hosts for which authentication was successful and hosts for which authentication failed for all authentication types. The Option Profile section of the Appendix lists the scan options used, including which authentication types were enabled for the scan.
It’s recommended that you run a scan report which shows detailed results for the authentication status QIDs provided by the service.
1. Select Report Templates from the left menu, under Tools.
2. Go to New > Scan Template.
3. Enter a title (for example Authentication Status) and template settings.
• In the Scan Results Selection section, select hosts to include in the report. You may include a combination of IP addresses/ranges and asset groups.
• In the Display section under Detailed Results, select Vulnerability Details and the check boxes under it, and select Appendix.
• In the Filter section under Selective Vulnerability Reporting, select Custom and then click Add Lists. In the Select Vulnerability Search Lists window, go to the Search List Library section. Select “Windows Authentication Results” and "Unix Authentication Results" from the list area and click the Import button. Optionally, add a user-created search list with authentication status QIDs for all authentication types.
4. Save the report template. The new template will appear in your report templates list.
5. Run
a report using the new template. Click
(Run) next to the report template you just created.
View the completed report. Scroll down to the Detailed Results section which is sorted based on your scan template settings. For each host in the report, open the Information Gathered section. Click an Information Gathered QID title to view its vulnerability details.
The Appendix section in the scan report lists the hosts for which authentication was successful and hosts for which authentication failed. The Option Profile section of the Appendix lists the scan options used, including which authentication types were enabled for the scan.